Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Posture Brace for those who have issues with posture

Ask yourself the following questions and from the answers see to it where you are and what you have to do. Are you somebody who has slumping shoulders, or rounded back or a person who possess wrong posture? Have you been suffering from severe back or neck pain because of having a bad posture? Or are you tired of following a posture of your own and left it as you feel it hard to follow? If you think the answer to any of the question is yes then I think a posture support aid will be a great tool that helps you to get a good posture.

Upon wearing the brace, you can surely realize the change in your posture so soon. This really helps you to sit and stand straight to have a correct posture which avoids the occurrence of any pressure or pain to your spine and your lower back portion of your body.

It is also necessary that along with the posture brace, you need to do some simple posture exercises to improve your posture that stimulates the muscle to get it right. These two things will surely do wonders in you, in a very fast manner in such a way that you can sit and stand straight in a correct posture.

When you are going to choose a brace it is necessary to keep in mind some small things in order to make the correct selection. Given below are some of the ideas to be considered before starting for it.

1. Decide where your posture needs the most help. Depending upon the area of the problem the brace has to be bought accordingly. For example if you have slump in the shoulders, then get the one suitable to support your shoulders. Similarly if you want to support or strengthen the lower back or the curvature of the spine then get the stiffer brace that is perfect for it. This way, the brace should be used according to the problem area in order to ensure better results.

2. Check out the straps on the brace you are thinking about buying. The straps in the brace has to be thicker than thinner as the thin one will stick to the skin thus gives discomfort to you. So it is better to have thick strap or you might look for something like padded strips which also give support and ease in using. If not available with thick strap then you can use a thin t-shirt between the brace and the skin in order to protect the skin.

3. Look for braces that are made from breathable fabric and materials. The material with which the brace is made should allow some air to move in and out in order to make your skin breathe. If it is designed in such a way that there is no air circulation then it would be safe for the skin. So the best choice of material will be the spandex or Lycra and try to avoid the latex.

4. Don’t skimp on your brace. Sometime it is the mentality of the people to get posture braces which are cheap. But the durability and the results provided by these will be surely nothing and so it is always advisable to get those which are durable and worth buying yet inside your budget. This you can get by doing some search so that it ensures the support you need and a best posture.

Posture Tips

One more important factor that is to be noted while sitting in a chair is that the feet should sit flat on the floor. It is must to have a correct posture that the level of the knee should be to the level of the hip or slightly above and surely not below the hip level. But in case your chair which you are using now is not helping to put your feet down the best suggestion is to put some thing under your feet which can act as a platform thus bringing your knee to the hip level. A telephone diary would be a nice choice to be used as a platform.

A chair with reclining facility will also be beneficiary. Though you are not going to sleep in the chair but it helps to move the weight from the lower section to the back of your body. Thus the spine is given some rest from carrying all the weight. It is also necessary that the chair should be placed close to the desk as it helps in reading or typing without leaning much to see it.

When the chair is placed close to the desk this will also ensures that you sit in an upright position in order to type or read from the desk. And it has to be placed at an angle rather than flat as it might make you lean more towards the desk for reading or typing it. also when you are working with the computer that screen should be below the eye level and near the front desk so that you might not have to read it by leaning forward.

The tip which you might have come across a lot and also an important one is that to take short breaks at regular intervals as this will help relaxing your back and put the muscles in action. So do try to take five minutes of interval like a small walk or something will do for every hour. This will really help reduce the inactiveness in the muscles thus making you to be refreshed with energy to continue your work.

Good posture at work

Not only me, but I believe that there are considerable amount of people who used to spend a lot time sitting before computer and working will be well known with the ache and pain they were suffering which is due to sitting in a wrong posture. With the advent of computers, most of the people used to spend a lot of time with it in doing all their work which results in neck, shoulder and back pain. Along with it they also come across headaches and having muscle fatigue and pain which seems to be increasing substantially. And most of people are unaware of the fact that they are suffering just because of not sitting in a correct position which pressurize the back portion thus affecting the posture.

What is the solution to this problem? The first thing is the need to be aware of how to sit properly with our back in the chair in a correct posture. In case if you are one among those who sit in the chair slouching or bending in the chair without sitting straight then you will surely fall into the list of people who are suffering from severe shoulder, neck and back ache.

It is because of the chair you are using you may be slouching. The best thing that can be done to avoid this is to get a chair that give a good back support and also adjustable to your needs. Also a kneeling chair will be more suitable and gives comfort for those who have been suffering from pain for a while. Because this chair, will relive the pressure on your back and try to give it to the knees and legs. I myself have been using this chair for the past one year and I can see the change in me tremendously and so I wish those who suffer like me can gain from this even though in the beginning it might be little bit uneasy until you are used to it.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Why do we need good posture

Are you seriously into exercise and other related things in order to maintain your health and fitness, it is a good idea to take necessary steps to improve the posture also. Trying to maintain a good posture will also produce stunning results which a lot of people don’t visualize thus they won’t be able to get the desired output.

Along with the other exercise, if you try to follow some of these simple exercises for maintaining a good posture will do a lot of good to you and these simple ones have also proved to be effective. Given below are the top four reasons which imply the need to consider improvising your posture as soon as possible.

Improved Confidence Levels

Firstly, the confidence level inside you will be higher when you start improving your posture. That is standing straight will change your real appearance all of a sudden even though you are upset about being overweight or not happy about the shape of the body. This instant change in you by standing straight will have impact as people approaching you will see to how you stand and will have the impact in assessing you.

Increased mental clarity

Secondly, the need to improve the posture is to attain mental clarity. The concentration level in you will be increased substantially as good posture will really allow a lot of oxygen to get into your body and brain. Because of this oxygen movement inside you could even feel more brisk than you used to be. Thus it got good impact in your performance during work.

Less chance of Injury

Thirdly, improvising yourself to get a good posture will really lessen the risk of injury. The ligaments and the tendons will be moved from its normal position when you bent to one side or other thereby straining yourself a lot with all the movement you do.

By making yourself standing straight, the sudden stress and the force on the spine will be exerted relieving you from pain and tension. Because of standing erect it will be possible for you to react to other forces which will come from sideways all of a sudden when not expecting.

Slimmer Appearance

Finally, the great benefit which you also get by improvising the posture will give you a real slim appearance. As, you make yourself straight this eventually will take the stomach inside you to give a better appearance. In this way you can look to put off 10 pounds weight instantly and thus can surprise everybody. Thus concentrating on simple things like straightening up will really have good impacts in your life.

Posture Exercises for Spine Realignment

The posture with which we do things will always decide our personality. While in communication with other persons, the body language is something which plays a part to carry out the conversion in a positive way. It is also necessary to keep and maintain a posture that helps achieving good health and also relationship in both businesses as well as in personal lives. A good posture of the body is nothing but simply the dos of how to do actions with our body parts by keeping them in their appropriate angles.

With a good posture which will depict your feeling both good and bad and also it reveals the health condition in your body. The true fact which you should know is that today’s modern lifestyle has only negative impact about the posture which has to be maintained in a well to-do manner. Over a period of time the posture which we maintain will slowly fade in cases like sitting before a computer for a long time and driving a vehicle for more than 10 hours.

The main part in our body which in due course of time get realigned and become a problem will be the spine. This results in really affecting you physically and also mentally as this might make you slow in your work soon. Thus getting them back in shape and attaining a good posture will really be possible in an easy way but still it needs effort to do so.

There are a lot of exercises which you can do at home to keep yourself fit and fine. Given here is a simple exercise which helps in maintaining good posture as well as the spine back to its normal place.

The starting posture for the exercise will be to stand with your feet, hip distance apart so that the weight of your body is evenly distributed in the lower region. Also the knee should be relaxed slightly when it is pulled over through legs. Maintain your focus on the hip which should be in a level.

The next step will be to contract your abdominal portion which helps lengthening your spine. This should make you feel like you are taking your stomach inwards till your spine. This way you should heighten yourself as much as possible. The lower ribs should look like as it move towards the pubic bone when dropping your rib cage. During all these your neck should be in straight posture and long to the possible extent.

In order to achieve full effect while doing exercise breathing movement is also an important one. During the full course of exercise you have to exhale or breathe out in order get the better results.

As this is a simple exercise which don’t take much of your time and so it can be easily practiced at home where the output will be good. Thus doing simple exercises regularly will help to maintain a good posture and also spine aligned well in its place in order to lead a happy life without stress and pain.